Monthly Archives: June 2013

Skeleton Coast

Top Ten Namibia

Namibia is a country as diverse as it is beautiful, with incredible sweeping landscapes and many rare and unusual sights. It is also home to a long list of adventure activities, with rocky mountain peaks and endless sand dunes providing…

the right trailer for you

Going on Holiday?

Holidays abroad are getting a lot more expensive – this is a well-known fact. And they have been for the last few years. With the price of aviation fuel going up, the price of flying is going to rocket. Train…

Car Hire

Road Trip: Costa Brava

When it comes to holidays, there is nothing like the phrase road trip to summon up feelings of adventure and excitement, to set the pulse racing and the heart soaring. Holidaying in a car brings with it an indescribable sense…

Eurail Pass

Is a Eurail Pass Right for You?

If you’re planning on doing some extended travel throughout Europe, one of the first questions you’re quite likely to get from friends and family is whether or not you’ll be buying a Eurail pass. The pass has a fantastic reputation…

A Guide to Renting a Villa in Thailand

Many visitors to Thailand choose to rent a villa for their stay, rather than stay in a hotel. There are many reasons that visitors choose to rent a Thailand Retreat.

Take a Hike…Up Everest

To be standing at the top of the world is a place that many people feel they can go in their mind. After getting a new job, finding the love of your life, or standing on a sandy beach may…

meeting fellow travellers

Biking Bolivia’s Death Road

I was bearing down on the end of my six months travelling around South America and, like any traveller, was worried that I hadn’t done enough or seen enough or experienced enough. Which is why, when I ended up in…