A great many people these days have the desire to spend time abroad, some for extended periods. But almost everyone has something that can hold them back from achieving this dream. The people places and things in our lives help us define who we are, but every now and then they can hinder us from becoming who we want to be. These are a few common snags that people encounter before hitting the proverbial road, and some ways with which to deal with them.
Without a valid passport, no one is going anywhere. While this may be common knowledge for some, not everyone remembers to keep their documents ready for extended travel abroad. Then, unfortunately, when the time comes to make moves, these poor souls end up waiting around, usually just long enough to change their minds. Making a preemptive strike here is the best solution. Always keep your passport up to date with at least three, if not five years left on it until expiration. You’ll never again have to worry about missing out on that once in a lifetime trip because of government red tape.
Another reason you might find it easier to stay at home instead of chasing your dreams across the globe is that year-long lease you just signed on your cozy new abode. If you know how to sublease your apartment though, that worry goes right out the studio window.
First, the landlord needs to be queried as to the possibility and conditions of having a subtenant. If it is not a problematic situation as far as legalities are concerned, it is then time to find the best possible person to temporarily take over your home. It is highly recommended to keep the landlord and any roommates you have directly involved in the process, as well as find some cheap apartment renters insurance for added protection. This will avoid future hassles that could potentially sabotage your deal or leave you on the hook.
You will probably need to advertise your sublease in order to get more attention and therefore a larger pool of prospective candidates. The vetting process needs to be taken very seriously. This person will not only be living in your personal space, but you will be financially linked to them as well. They are a reflection of your judgment and therefore your character. You are basically taking on the responsibilities of a landlord, so you’ll need to choose your tenants wisely.
Once you’ve whittled down your choices, and only after a thorough interview and walk-through process, it is time to hammer out the details. This means putting together a contract and it is not a bad idea to get a lawyer involved who specializes in this area. You need to be aware of your rights in this situation, as well as work out the particulars like a security deposit, and how you’ll keep all of your bills and utilities paid. If everything is agreed upon by all parties, and the contract is signed and dated in all the right places, you will be free to roam.
Two other common issues travelers face are what to do with pets and vehicles. The way to deal with these complications is strangely similar. Depend on friends and family. Boarding and storage are insanely expensive. So if you can’t keep your furry friend with you or drive where you want to go, it’s best that the things you love to be watched over by the people you care for.
What’s that? No more excuses? Now it is time to plan your trip and get out there and explore! There is a whole world waiting for you and your apartment, and hopefully your dog, will be there if and when you finally decide to return. Happy Trails!