Taking a trip by car is a glorious thing. You get to experience every kilometer as you make your way to your destination. If there is great scenery to see, you get the chance to enjoy it and you get to spend some quality time with your traveling companions.
If you are planning to take a road trip, make sure before you leave to get your vehicle serviced and all important areas checked. A primary focus should be on your tyres. Visit TyrePlus and let them do a check and if they need replacing, get a new set so you are ready for the road.
There are many great reasons to take a road trip and here are some of the best things to do to make your time on the road fun and memorable.
Make Stops Along the Way
One great thing about being on the road is you have an ability to make stops. Before you get on the road, lay out your route on Google and look for any interesting places to make a stop. These could be museums, fairs, farmer’s markets, parks, sights, or even interesting towns that have fabled histories. Some may be a little out of your way, but think of it as a chance to learn more about your city or country during the drive. When you make these visits, give yourself enough time to get a sense of the place. Maybe have a meal in a local establishment and if time permits you might even think about staying overnight. You may discover a place you love and come back to it regularly.
Things to Do With the Kids
If you have kids in the car and they tire of fighting over who chooses the radio station, you should be prepared to hear the age old question, “Are we there yet?” After they ask the 100th time you will be happy to have a few games at the ready to keep them occupied. Here is a list of a few games to entertain them and hopefully you too.
Make a Video Scrapbook – Tell the Kids that you want to have a scrapbook containing pictures of everything cool that you see on your trip. Allow them to use phone cameras to take pictures of things you see on the road and when you stop. Make it a contest between your kids and tell them whoever has the most interesting pictures will win a prize. Also when you stop let them pick out postcards of the area you are in to remind them of where the pictures they have were taken. Take a picture of each postcard as a reminder. Your kids will love it.
Electronic Gadgets – These have become the old standbys and although too much of them is never a good idea, a few hours each day is fine. Yes I am talking about electronic games, iPod’s, iPad’s, cell phones. One good way to integrate education into it is to ask them a question and have them find the answer on Google. Make it relate to your road trip and they can have fun and learn more about your destination and travels. When you create this type of game with them time will move very quickly.
These activities should keep everyone in a good mood. The key is to focus on making the road trip part of the positive experience. Do some planning in advance and you can make the drive, the best part of your trip.