Category: Travel Guides

Five Budgeting Tips for Families Traveling in New Zealand

It’s well- known amongst avid travelers that New Zealand is an expensive country to pay a visit to. If you’re a travel enthusiast, you probably still want to visit this gorgeous country, and the good news is that it can…

American Men’s Fashion vs Italian Men’s Fashion

Milan and New York are among the fashion capitals of the world. Fashion is not only reserved for the catwalks but is also a part of everyday life, especially in Italy. Italian men are renowned for looking fashionable as they…

The Benefits of a Holiday Rental Home In Spain

Spain is an absolutely fantastic location to holiday. Lush weather, a wealth of culture to experience, and all manner of new experiences make it a wonderful location for people to visit. However, unless you want to spend all of an…

8 Must-See Festivals in Birmingham and the Midlands

The city of Birmingham and the Midlands are filled with festivals and fairs throughout the year. Easily accessible through Birmingham airport, people come from around the world to enjoy what the region has to offer and enjoy in its rich…

How to adjust to life in Japan

So, you’ve secured a position with a company in Japan: congratulations! Not only will this look good on your resume, you will also get to live in one of the world’s most intriguing countries. Unfortunately, it is also a nation…

How to Have the Most Fun on a Road Trip

Taking a trip by car is a glorious thing. You get to experience every kilometer as you make your way to your destination. If there is great scenery to see, you get the chance to enjoy it and you get…

Take a Musical Tour Through Ireland

For such a small country with an equally small population, Ireland has contributed greatly to the music scene throughout the ages and particularly Pop music industry over the past 50 years. The country is renowned for its Pop music icons,…

How to Plan a Perfectly Romantic Honeymoon

While there is a lot of attention and time spent on planning a wedding, couples tend to feel just as excited – if not more excited about planning the honeymoon. Sure, the honeymoon is meant for relaxing and recovering from…